Coupé in the S-Class format.

“Fintail Mercedes”
(W 111)

In terms of its engineering and styling, the new car was modelled on the 220 SEb Saloon presented in August 1959 and likewise allocated to the 111 series.

Completeley reconstructed models.

“Fintail Mercedes” (W 111): Completeley reconstructed models.

Completeley reconstructed models.

Except for some equipment details, the only difference between the new 220 b, 220 Sb and 220 SEb, which internally were allocated to model series 111, were the different types of engines. All three models had a spacious, elegant car body, distinguished by its salient feature the fintails – a concession to the prevailing fashion, which was heavily influenced by the Americans at the time.

Passive safety.

“Fintail Mercedes” (W 111): Passive safety.

Passive safety.

It was this characteristic design, which later gave the name to a whole new generation of models. The types mentioned above are today generally referred to as “fintail” models. The new models set the standard for passive safety. For the first time, the new Barényi patent, a sturdy passenger cell and deformation zones at the front and the rear, had been realised. Safety was the guiding principle in the design of the interior; thus the new models were fitted with an upholstered dashboard with flexible and partially recessed instruments and a steering wheel with an upholstered centre-piece.

Differences at the rear of the car.

“Fintail Mercedes” (W 111): Differences at the rear of the car.

Differences at the rear of the car.

Another remarkable feature were new special door locks, which further improved driving safety. Eight features distinguished the exterior of the 220 b from its two sister models: except for the type labels, the 220 Sb and 220 SEb were identical in appearance; they had an additional chome trim on the right and the left of the radiator grill, a chrome plated air intake grid in front of the wind screen and chrome wheel caps. The differences at the rear of the car were more pronounced.

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